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Swagelok Georgia | Jacksonville | South Carolina

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Enter to win a Summer Swag Bag!

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Follow us for your chance to win this Summer Swag Bag!

Swagelok Swag Bag

How to enter:

  1. Follow Swagelok Georgia | Jacksonville | South Carolina on both Facebook & LinkedIn
  2. Fill out this form
  3. Check back August 3rd to see the winner announced!

Who won?

John in South Carolina was the lucky winner of our Summer Swag Bag! Congrats, John!

This contest is now closed.

What's in the Summer Swag Bag?

We've packed this insulated bag full of Summer must-haves! 2 Swagelok-blue beach towels with chair clips, 2 beach cup holders, waterproof cell phone pouch dry bag, insulated water bottle, Swagelok Swag including a hat and tee shirt, and a Sony Extra Bass Wireless Bluetooth speaker!

Who can enter to win?

Anyone living or working in the Georgia, Jacksonville, or South Carolina areas age 18 and older are eligible to win. 

Employees and relatives of employees for any Swagelok distributorship are not eligible to enter.


Fittings Will Always Be Around

Conveying fluid from one point to another has always been an important process. 

compressed gas leak detection survey

How Much Could A Leak Detection Survey Save You?

One of the more common surveys conducted is our Compressed Gas Leak Detection Survey where we identify and tag gas (air, nitrogen, steam, etc.) leaks in a predetermined area of your facility.