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Swagelok Georgia | Jacksonville | South Carolina

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

How Does Snoop Work? Is it Safe?

Yes, Snoop is safe for any facility. 

These are a few industries who have safely had Snoop surveys: 

  • Pulp and Paper
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Power Generation
  • Oil and Gas
Snoop is a nontoxic, noncorrosive, nonflammable, liquid leak detector. 

Its temperature range is 27 to 200°F (-2 to 93° C). This solution is safe to use at your facility.

Swagelok Snoop bubbling


How Do You Measure A Leak With Snoop?

We input the information we've collected to our leak calculator which creates an estimate of the leak. This estimate is based on the system pressure, the system media, and the size of the leak. For a more accurate estimate, an ultrasonic leak survey can be conducted. 

The Process

  1. A Swagelok team member equipped with Snoop survey materials will meet one of your facility's representatives.
  2. Together, our  team member and your representative will walk through your facility testing every connection within the specified area using Snoop. Any connection with a leak is tagged and logged. 
  3. Our Swagelok team member will return to our office to prepare a summary report. This report is sent to your facility and includes: 
  • connection manufacturer overview
  • how many leaks you have
  • the types of leaks 
  • connections leaking
  • and most importantly- how much it's costing you. 

How Do I Have A Snoop Survey Done at My Facility?

Give us a Call at 678.624.0949

Call your field representative to set up your Snoop Survey. If you don't currently have a field representative, call the number above and ask for Technical Support.