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Change to 8GB Series Locking Bracket Design

A design change to the 8GB series locking bracket (“JL” option) was recently implemented to improve the handle clearance. We found that in some instances the original bracket screws would interfere with the handle when panel mounted to a thicker panel. In order to eliminate this issue, the bracket and screws were changed to accommodate a countersunk screw design providing more handle clearance as shown below. The maximum panel thickness (0.105 in [2.67 mm]) remains as noted in the catalog.

This change has no impact on the functionality of the product or the installation instructions. The new screws use the same installation tools and procedure as the original design. Ordering numbers for the valve option (JL designator) and kit (SS-5DK-8GB-JL) will not change.

New Design

GB series

Old Design

GB series